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000172_owner-lightwave@webcom.com_Mon Jun 12 20:50:49 1995.msg
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From: jkrutz@meta.burner.com (Jamie Krutz) ()
To: lightwave@webcom.com
Subject: Re: World Construction Set-First Impressions
Sender: owner-lightwave@webcom.com
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In article <Pine.SUN.3.91.950611094118.22807B-100000@haus.efn.org> Mike McCool <mikemcoo@efn.org> writes:
> Hey Robert,
> Thanks, you, for making our mouths water. So, I take it you like
> it better than VistaPro, SceneryAnimator and the like?
Just a few differences off the top of my head:
WCS has full spline path animation with tension/continuity/bias control
and a graphic interface for spline path editing integrated into the program.
(WCS also imports & exports LightWave motion paths). WCS even
offers separate key framing for latitude, longitude and altitude positions
rather than lumping them together like LW does with one keyframe for
X, Y & Z. Visap Pro requires a separate program to create animations.
Scenery Animator has limited animation built-in but no spline paths.
WCS works with a spherical earth. VP and SA think the world is flat.
WCS can render the entire earth with 6 megs of RAM. VP and SA work with
segments of flat landscapes.
WCS can load a wide variety of data (including USGS DEMs & VP DEMs).
WCS supports existing DLG data for overlaying vectors onto landscapes,
and you can digitize your own. This is good for roads, streams, political
boundaries, etc. When you send in your registration card you get a set
of earth data with country outlines included, which is great for making
map graphics, spinning earth graphics, etc.
WCS uses color maps for projecting satellite pictures onto landscape
forms; specifying exact ecosystem locations; or tinting areas of landscapes
to simulate fire, show political subdivisions, simulate fields, etc.
WCS includes GIS functions like viewshed analysis.
WCS uses a windowing interface with non-modal windows. It runs on
3rd party graphics boards and takes advantage of workstation resolutions.
WCS has a separate editors for ecosystems (with under and over stories),
color, and motion, all of which let you access scores of animatable parameters.
WCS has a 650 page manual with tutorials and copious illustrations.
In fairness, one thing SA and VP have that WCS does not is clouds.
Gary has said that he will only do clouds if he can do _great_ clouds. He
doesn't like the limited clouds in SA and VP.
I have seen what he's working on and you won't be dissappointed in the cloud
I have both SA and VP. They are useful programs. I've sold animations done
with SA in the past. But WCS images looks more realistic (of course you can
make them look less realistic if you want). The program is far more fully featured,
and it looks and feels more professional to use.
My .02. Sorry if this sounds like a commercial, it's not meant to be. I don't get any
money from WCS sales. I do make money from WCS animations and am happy
Questar is taking this kind of software to the next level.
-Jamie Krutz (WCS beta tester and manual writer, but not a Questar employee)
jkrutz@meta.burner.com (Jamie Krutz) () sent this message.
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